Your Rep. Neal Collins is ANTI-GUN 

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Your Rep. Neal Collins is ANTI-GUN

Dear fellow patriot,

“The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

As ardent supporters of the Second Amendment, you and I know that these rights are absolutely critical to a free society.

With the primary season heating up here in South Carolina, virtually all politicians are claiming they support the Second Amendment.

Yet once safely elected into office, many of the politicians in BOTH parties vote to restrict your freedoms in a “common sense” way.

Just look at Florida, where 67 NRA “A-rated” Republicans voted for draconian “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation or even our own Senator Lindsey Graham who worked with Biden and DC Democrats to pass the largest federal expansion of gun control in 30 years.

In South Carolina, anti-gun groups have offered an award of $50,000 to candidates who challenge the most conservative, pro-gun members of the State House.

And there’s plenty of establishment-class candidates who are jumping at the chance for that money.

Additionally, leftist groups are gearing up to spend 1.5 MILLION dollars to spread lies and smear the reputations of lawmakers that led the charge to strip anti-gun language out of the Constitutional Carry bill.

That’s why it’s so crucial for South Carolinians to know the truth about where their politicians stand on the Second Amendment!

To find out where your candidates truly stand, I sent them the official Palmetto Gun Rights Candidate Survey –- to get them on the record in support of your right to keep and bear arms.

And I’ve got bad news and good news for you in State House District 5.

The bad news is incumbent Republican State Representative Neal Collins not only REFUSES to fill out his gun rights candidate survey, but he also has a very mixed record when it comes to standing up for your Second Amendment rights.

Neal Collins voted FIVE TIMES to kill Constitutional Carry after pledging his support for this important legislation on his 2014 PGR Candidate Survey.[1]

What’s worse is Collins has took to social media to outright LIE about his record, claiming that he voted against gun owners because all those votes came from another member trying to slip it into the budget.

So let’s take a look at what Collins calls “budget votes.”

HB 3700, 122nd Session Roll Call # 107 (2017) NOT a budget vote
Amendment No. 2A to S. 785 123rd session (2019). NOT a budget vote
Amendment No. 4A to S. 785 123rd session (2019). NOT a budget vote
H. 3094 124th Session Roll Call Vote #1357 (2021). NOT a budget vote
H. 3094 124th Session Roll Call #1783 (2021). NOT a budget vote


It was only after a tidal wave of pressure that gun owners finally forced Collins to support Constitutional Carry. Gun owners shouldn’t have to force Republican lawmakers to support pro-gun legislation.

You deserve a Representative who will vote in favor of gun rights every time, not only when it is politically expedient to do so or when leadership allows them to.

So, it’s really no surprise Collins is REFUSING to return his 2024 PGR Candidate Survey.

In not returning his PGR Candidate Survey, Neal Collins refuses to go on record against California-style gun bans, which would arbitrarily ban hundreds of types of firearms based solely on cosmetic features.

Collins is also refusing to go on record in support of your right to legally “Stand Your Ground” and defend yourself and your family against armed thugs in the street.

Additionally, Collins REFUSES to oppose Universal Background Checks, which would not only place an outright ban on private firearms sales but also implement a de facto gun registration scheme on South Carolina gun owners.

As you know, confiscation always follows registration.

We’ve seen it time and again. When candidates for office try to keep their stance on the Second Amendment secret, it’s usually a very telling sign that they’re up to no good.

It appears Neal Collins is doing just that by dodging our survey and refusing to stand up for your constitutional rights.

And when politicians refuse to take a stand on guns, you can be certain that the rest of your constitutional rights are not on their list of priorities either.

But there is good news in House District 5. Republican candidate Brandy Tarleton filled out her PGR Candidate Survey 100% pro-gun!

By returning her survey, Brandy Tarleton pledged to support legislation repealing dangerous “Gun-Free” zones, also known as “criminal safe zones.”

As every gun owner knows, these dangerous laws only disarm law-abiding citizens while letting criminals know that their victims will be disarmed in these areas.

Tarleton also pledged to oppose dangerous “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation laws, which allow government agents to seize legally owned firearms without a hearing or even a crime being committed!

PGR is dedicated to keeping you informed about the true positions of your elected officials and candidates.

With members and supporters across South Carolina, we are giving people across the Palmetto State a loud voice in defense of our gun rights.

And trust me, the politicians can hear you.

There is no better time to lobby them than when they are seeking your support at election time.

So, contact Neal Collins at (803) 212-6913 and insist he reverse course and start standing up for the Second Amendment.
Then contact Republican candidate Brandy Tarleton at (864) 372-9786 and thank her for answering her survey pro-gun and for taking a stand for our Second Amendment rights.

And once you’ve contacted your candidates, please consider donating $100 to Palmetto Gun Rights right away to help us expose even more anti-gun politicians in South Carolina.
Reaching enough people to hold anti-gun politicians accountable is an expensive task, but I’m sure you’ll agree it’s worth it.

So please consider giving at least $75 or $50 right away!

I understand for some that may still be too much to ask, but even $50 or $25 would go a long way in funding the mailers, texts, emails, and hard-hitting social media campaigns needed to put anti-gun politicians on notice.

Whatever you can afford, please know that I am grateful for your commitment to the freedoms we hold so dear.

Remember, politicians of all stripes are listening closely to gun owners with the primary election just around the corner.
With our rights at stake, now is the time to take action!


[1] HB 3700, 122nd Session Roll Call # 107 (2017). Amendment No. 2A and Amendment No. 4A to S. 785 123rd session (2019). H. 3094 124th Session Roll Call Vote #1357 (2021). H. 3094 124th Session Roll Call #1783 (2021).
