Happy Birthday Constitutional Carry!

Constitutional Carry Bill Signing

Has it been one year already? One year since Constitutional Carry was signed into law… … The culmination of nearly a decade of fighting to force Columbia’s super-majorities to pass this pro-gun legislation. And yet, despite claims from anti-gun politicians, no blood is running in the streets, no “Wild West” society. Just our gun rights […]

NAGR Applauds Executive Order to Protect Second Amendment Rights

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR) commends President Trump’s Executive Order directing the federal government to review unconstitutional infringements on the Second Amendment imposed over the last four years. The order mandates a full review of executive actions, regulations, and enforcement measures that have burdened law-abiding gun owners and the firearms industry. Dudley Brown, […]

Pro-Second Amendment Lawyer Joins Trump Administration As Key Adviser

Per our friends at Texas Gun Rights: “Donald Trump’s second administration will have a strong pro-Second Amendment lawyer to provide him with principled legal counsel.  In early December, President Trump announced that the National Association for Gun Rights Chairman of the Board, Dave Warrington, was appointed to serve as Chief White House Counsel and Assistant […]

Exposing South Carolina’s Republican Leadership: Why Are Anti-Gun Democrats Gaining Power?

South Carolina is often seen as a stronghold of conservative values, but recent moves by Republican leaders in the state House have left pro-gun South Carolinians outraged. With a Republican supermajority in Columbia, you’d expect a steadfast defense of Second Amendment rights. Instead, GOP leadership is empowering anti-gun Democrats while sidelining conservative representatives.  The Latest […]

BLOCK on “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Filed in South Carolina

I’m taking a stand to protect our Second Amendment rights and preserve our gun rights here in South Carolina. With the South Carolina Department of Public Safety accepting $2.7 million from the Biden administration, our fight to prevent the Red Flag gun confiscation laws from becoming a reality has never been more urgent. This money […]

Palmetto Gun Rights Condemns SC GOP House Leadership for Empowering Anti-Gun Democrats

Columbia, SC – Palmetto Gun Rights announces condemnation of Speaker Smith’s actions to install anti-gun Democrats to several powerful committees in the South Carolina House of Representatives. “When you start draining the swamp, the water gets clearer and the creatures can no longer hide,” said Tommy Dimsdale, Executive Director of Palmetto Gun Rights. “Not only do […]

Thank you Thomas Beach and SC Freedom Caucus!

Dear fellow patriot, There’s a ton of misinformation being spread around by certain House GOP Caucus members. After gun owners unleashed a tidal wave of grassroots pressure, the House finally responded by removing all anti-gun amendments from the Constitutional Carry bill and sending it back to the Senate. Now, after initially planning to support the […]