Sen. Josh Kimbrell has turned his back on gun owners.

I have some bad news.

There really doesn’t seem to be a good option for gun owners in South Carolina’s 11th Senate District.

Democrat candidate Angela Geter REFUSES to return her Palmetto Gun Rights Candidate Survey and go on the record for your gun rights!

By refusing to return her Palmetto Gun Rights Candidate Survey, Angela Geter refuses to go on record supporting your right to defend yourself against criminals seeking to cause you bodily harm in any place you have a right to be.

Geter also refuses to go on the record opposing California-style gun bans that would outlaw hundreds of types of firearms based solely on cosmetic features.

This would ban firearms for hunting. Firearms for home defense. Firearms for sport shooting — simply because they look “scary.”

When politicians refuse to take a stand in support of the Second Amendment, you can be almost certain that the rest of your constitutional rights aren’t high on their list of priorities either.

Sadly, the Republican option in this race turned his back on the gun owners that got him elected just 4 years ago.

Self-proclaimed “conservative” Senator Josh Kimbrell led the charge to water down a clean Constitutional Carry bill just this past year.

Kimbrell argued incessantly with Palmetto Gun Rights, National Rifle Association, and The National Association for Gun Rights staffers over anti-gun amendments the Senate added to Constitutional Carry.

While Kimbrell insisted Constitutional Carry needed to be  watered down, it passed with overwhelming support, making the watered-down language not only wrong but completely unnecessary.

This stunt was designed to allow leadership to circle the wagons and let the weakest members of the chamber jump on board, hoping to avoid the wrath of gun owners in the next primary election.

Not only that but Kimbrell locked arms with the Columbia swamp’s Palmetto Truth Project who spent 2.3 MILLION dollars in this year’s primary to oust the most pro-gun Representatives in the state.

Kimbrell endorsed the opponents of pro-gun Reps. Josiah Magnuson and Rob Harris who were hated for cleaning up Constitutional Carry and sending it back to the Senate.

So, contact Josh Kimbrell at 803-212-6108 and tell him his job is to protect the rights of gun owners in his district, not the political careers of Columbia swamp creatures.

We must make it clear that we expect elected officials and candidates to not only oppose new gun control measures, but also to go to Columbia to be a leader in the fight for the Second Amendment.

That’s why Palmetto Gun Rights is dedicated to keeping you informed about the true positions of your elected officials and candidates.

With thousands of members and supporters in South Carolina, we are giving people across the Palmetto State a loud voice in defense of our gun rights.

And trust me, the politicians can hear you.

There is no better time to lobby them than when they are seeking your support at election time.

So please contact Democrat candidate Angela Geter at (864) 621-5339 and insist she reverse course and start standing up for the Second Amendment.

Then contact Republican Josh Kimbrell at 803-212-6108 and tell him his job is to protect the rights of gun owners in his district, not the political careers of Columbia swamp creatures.

And once you’ve contacted your candidates, please consider donating $100 to Palmetto Gun Rights right away to help us continue fighting for the Second Amendment in South Carolina.

Reaching enough people to pressure politicians to support the Second Amendment is an expensive task, but I’m sure you’ll agree it’s worth it.

So please consider giving at least $75 or $50 right away!

I understand for some that may still be too much to ask, but even $25 would go a long way in helping us in the fight for your Second Amendment rights.

Whatever you can afford, know that I am grateful for your commitment to preserving our liberties for future generations.

Remember, politicians of all stripes are listening closely to gun owners with the election just around the corner.

With our rights at stake, now is the time to take action!