Gun Groups Call Out Dubious “Palmetto Truth Project”


Gun Groups Voice Opposition to Smear Tactics of Anti-Gun “Palmetto Truth Project”


[See full letter at end of article]

We don’t know about you, but we’re tired of the lies being spread during this election season.

To be specific, we’re tired of the lies coming from the “RINO Caucus”, smearing the reputations of the most pro-gun legislators in the state.

In fact, inside sources told us that the “Palmetto Truth Project” will have spent 1.5 MILLION dollars by the end of the primary to unseat those who fought to remove anti-gun language from the Constitutional Carry bill.

But even worse, activist investigations found that the consultant group for the SC GOP House Caucus is directly linked to the “Palmetto Truth Project”[1].

This comes as no surprise as House leadership spent the last year threatening the most conservative reps in the state with negative mailers if they didn’t fall in line.

This all started when leadership tried to circle the wagons and protect their moderate members who repeatedly voted against Constitutional Carry.

To achieve that goal, the House GOP Caucus attempted to force their members to sign a “loyalty pledge” in 2023, banning them from supporting or helping primary challengers of establishment politicians[2].

When 17 members refused to sign the pledge, they walked out of the caucus meeting with a target on their backs.

And when these members fought the anti-gun language in the Constitutional Carry bill, it enraged the political class who just wanted to pass it for an easy win.

When House Speaker Murrell Smith saw that he had a fight on his hands, he conscripted the state NRA lobbyist to threaten members of the Freedom Caucus with negative mailers should they continue fighting gun control in the bill[3].

The Freedom Caucus, bolstered by PGR and pro-gun activists across the state, stood strong and refused to back down.

Since then, mailers from the Palmetto Truth Project have pelted their districts claiming they “betrayed the NRA during the Constitutional Carry fight.”

What the mailers don’t mention is that these pro-gun members betrayed the NRA by fighting AGAINST gun control.

That’s why we sent a public letter to leadership demanding they STOP attacking the most pro-gun members in the House.

But this letter isn’t the only thing we’re doing.

We’re running program in more than 20 districts across the state setting the record straight and EXPOSING the lies of the leadership’s propaganda machine, the Palmetto Truth Project.

And we need your help to continue this fight all the way until the end of the primary season.

The mailers, texts, emails, and social media campaigns needed to alert the public are costly.

And your fellow gun owners need your help now.

So please, consider your most generous donation of $100, $50, or just $25.

We are in the heat of battle and every dollar counts.

See the open letter to the SC GOP House Caucus and know that your Palmetto Gun Rights is leading the charge in South Carolina to set the record straight and fight for your gun rights.


